Starting April 4th 10pm

Karaoke Contest $500 Grand Prize
Calling all Karaoke Singers!! Compete for King/Queen of Karaoke and $500 in prizes ($250 gift card to Woodstock and $250 in cold hard CASH!
How to enter/win: Enter in any 1 of our 3 qualifying events. The winner from each qualifying night (you have 3 chances to qualify) will be entered in our Grand Finale held on 4/25.
Round 1 qualifier 4/4
Round 2 qualifier 4/11
Round 3 qualifier 4/18
Grand Finale 4/25
Registration will start at 8:30pm
Tryouts/Contest will begin at 10:30pm
Winner is decided by round of applause so bring your friends to cheer you on!
The Grand Finale will be held on 4/25 everyone who qualified on the 4th, 11th or 18th will come back to compete for King/Queen of Karaoke and $500 in prizes ($250 gift card to Woodstock and $250 in cold hard CASH!